what will be in the sky when you stargaze with us
At our observatory, we take immense pride in offering breathtaking views of the southern skies, attracting visitors from the northern hemisphere seeking this unique celestial experience. Among the highlights are perennial favorites like the Southern Cross, accompanied by captivating sights such as the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, Centaurus A, Tuc47, Herschel’s Jewel Box, Omega Centauri, Eta Carinae, and our neighboring star, Alpha Centauri. We also delve into various nebulae, including the awe-inspiring Great Nebula in Orion, the enchanting Lagoon Nebula, the captivating Eta Carina Nebula, the striking Triffid Nebula, and the mesmerizing Tarantula Nebula. Planetary nebulae like the Ghost of Saturn and the Helix Nebula are also part of our celestial repertoire. Moreover, we offer glimpses of remarkable galaxies such as the Sombrero, NGC253, the splendid Great Galaxy in Andromeda, and Centaurus A.


While the planets may vary from year to year, the stellar objects visible in each season remain constant. During the summer, we venture into the captivating Orion hunting scene, exploring Taurus with its Pleiades and Crab Nebula, Orion with its majestic Orion Nebula, as well as Canis Minor and Canis Major with the dazzling Sirius. In autumn, as Orion sets in the early evening, Scorpius makes its appearance later, while Leo graces the sky. Winter unveils the prominent Scorpius constellation high in the night sky, directing our gaze toward the heart of our Milky Way Galaxy—Sagittarius. Finally, in spring, we bid farewell to Scorpius in the evening sky as Orion emerges later, marking its presence in the night.
Take a look at the night sky tonight to check all the constellations and planets that will be visible tonight. Additionally, you can inquire about the specific times when each planet will be observable.
Having a book about stargazing is a valuable resource that enhances the overall experience and allows you to navigate what will be in the sky at a particular time of year in Southern Africa.

The Sky Guide Southern Africa is published annually and is an essential resource for finding out what is visible throughout the year.

The Star Gazer’s Deep Space Atlas is a valuable and versatile book for star gazers in the southern hemisphere.